Monday, January 31, 2011

PR HArus Peka

Jangan pandang leweh blogger UMNO kerana dorang mempunyai kewangan yang besar untuk wujudkan situasi dan propaganda yang seolah-olah PR sudah hilang sokongan..Bangkitlah blogger PR..Lawan tetap Lawan.......Teruskan perjuangan hingga lebam jari menaip kebenaran, sembap mata melayari maklumat di alam maya..berbuih mulut berkempen untuk kemenangan PR, Senak perut menahan fitnah UMNO...Pecah mulut bertakbir untuk KEMENANGAN...TAKBIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Merlimau Khabar Baik ka???

PR gempur habis-habisan.....Jangan bagi can lagi..jangan berlembut lagi...bongkarkan segala penyelewengan...Ingat kesempatan PRK Ke-15 harus dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya..Rakyat Melaka pun dah muak n mual dengan UMNO.. Pastikan BN n UMNO mendapat pengajaran di atas keangkuhan dan kesombongan Ketua Menterinya....Umno wajib ditalqinkan..Galikan kubur mereka secepatnya...Kebumikan PRU  13 Nanti...Bersatu PR Hancurlah BN...

Terima Kasih Cikgu Mala..Syabas dan Tahniah

Anda perintis kebangkitan guru-guru di Malaysia..Pasti selepas ini Pru 13 cikgu2 tidak akan rasa gentar untuk mengundi atau pun menjadi calon PR demi melakukan perubahan terhadap sistem pendidikan agar lebih maju, cemerlang dan gemilang demi memartabatkan profesion perguruan yang sangat mulia. Sekali lagi syabas dan tahniah kepada Cikgu Mala dan Cikgu2 semalaysia.............

Kekalahan di Tenang Muhasabah di pihak PR


Bersiap sedia untuk pru 13. pkr sangat ketinggalan dari segi turun padang, daftar pemilih dan sebagainya...jangan lagi bangga dengan kehadiran orang ramai dalam ceramah kerana yang hadir disitu adalah orang2 luar yang dah memang sehati sejiwa untuk mengundi pr tapi pengundi asal ditempat tersebut yang harus dipastikan kehadiran dorang dan undi dorang kepada pr..orang bandar n golongan intelektual memang dah tau umno n bn haprak....ada terdengar cerita yang mengatakan mp pkr yang ramai keluar semuanya gila jawatan n pangkat so anwar bagi amaran kalau nak semua tue join umno so keluarlah jibraun-jibraun yang sangat mangkak di sisi rakyat..dorang tau kalau letak jawatan n kosngkan kerusi kompem satu undipun dorang xkan dapat lagi sebab dah mengkhianati harus peka dengan segala isu skg..jangan pandang leweh pada isu kecil kerana isu kecillah boleh merebak dan membakar sehingga kita tewas pada dakyah2 haprak harus peka pada blogger2 umno yang semakin kuat menabur fitnah atau membuat lakaran yang menghina ulama dan pemimpin pr...semua pihak dalam pr harus sedar yang dunia cyber skg sudah dikuasai oleh anasir fitnah dari blogger2 umno...jangan duduk diam lagi pemimpin pr..serang bn n umno dengan fakta2 yang jelas, mantap dan meyakinkan untuk humbankan dorang dari putrajaya..anak2 muda semakin yakin dengan pr tapi bila dah dapat tawan beberapa negeri jangan berubah laku lebih teruk dari umno. jangan menyombong xtentu pasal. jangan dan jangan untuk kesejahteraan pr..kami sayangkan pr dan kami mahu pr yang memerintah..pluang dah ade depan mata jangan dilepaskan..tolonglah pimpinan pr..rasai denyut nadi rakyat yang sebenarnya...rakyat m'sia sebenarnya sangat2 mengharapkan pr tapi mereka kurang yakin sebab isu2 remeh pr yang xmampu diselesaikan dengan bijaksana..jika pr bersatu dalam semua isu dan bijak menangani semuanya maka tiada alasan lagi bn n umno berambus dari putrajaya.....

Revolusi Anak Muda Sudah Bermula..........

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ekslusif: Mesir, biar gambar berbicara

Petikan kata-kata dari seorang sahabat tanpa izin:Tindakan berjuta rakyat berdemontrasi menjatuhkan seorang pemimpin lebih mulia dari tindakan seorang pemimpin mempertahankan kuasa menyusahkan berjuta rakyat. Jangan dibutakan dengan hujjah bodoh pemimpin yang mempertahankan kuasa untuk menyusahkan rakyat. (Azman Mohammad).
Gambar di petik dari pinkturtle2.

Iklan sekejap..........

Gara-gara kacau bini gua, mamat ni kena terajang di mukanya

Januari 30, 2011 dari bestoneoffour
Siapa suruh kacau bini aku, kan dah dapat merasa tapak kasut ni…nak tambah sikit xsampai ati buat kat bn n umno..hehehe jgn marah

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Teringat Reformasi 98

Dari blog PINK TURTLE:


Puluhan Ribu Sertai Demonstrasi bantahan terhadap pemerintahan Mubarak

Egyptian Leading dissident and former UN nuclear watchdog Chief Mohamed ElBaradei (C) attends a demonstration after Friday noon prayer in Cairo on January 28, 2011 as Egyptians take to the streets demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak, 82-years-old, who has held on to power for more than three decades.
Egyptian Leading dissident and former UN nuclear watchdog Chief Mohamed ElBaradei (C) attends a demonstration after Friday noon prayer in Cairo on January 28, 2011 as Egyptians take to the streets demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak, 82-years-old, who has held on to power for more than three decades.
Egyptian anti-riot policemen clash with protesters in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Jan. 28, 2011. The Egyptian capital Cairo was the scene of violent chaos Friday, when tens of thousands of anti-government protesters stoned and confronted police, who fired back with rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons. It was a major escalation in what was already the biggest challenge to authoritarian President Hosni Mubarak's 30 year-rule.
Egyptian anti-riot policemen clash with protesters in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Jan. 28, 2011. The Egyptian capital Cairo was the scene of violent chaos Friday, when tens of thousands of anti-government protesters stoned and confronted police, who fired back with rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons. It was a major escalation in what was already the biggest challenge to authoritarian President Hosni Mubarak’s 30 year-rule.
Egyptian demonstrators protest in central Cairo to demand the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak and calling for reforms on January 25, 2011. Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Cairo, facing a massive police presence, to demand the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak in a protest inspired by Tunisia's popular uprising.
Egyptian anti-government activists chant slogans and hold a poster of the Egyptian resident Mubarak, with Arabic reading: "mercy mercy, you traitor to your people" as they protest in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Jan. 28, 2011. The Egyptian capital Cairo was the scene of violent chaos Friday, when tens of thousands of anti-government protesters stoned and confronted police, who fired back with rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons.
Egyptian anti-government activists chant slogans and hold a poster of the Egyptian resident Mubarak, with Arabic reading: “mercy mercy, you traitor to your people” as they protest in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Jan. 28, 2011. The Egyptian capital Cairo was the scene of violent chaos Friday, when tens of thousands of anti-government protesters stoned and confronted police, who fired back with rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons.
Egyptian demonstrators demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak and calling for reforms face riot police in Cairo on January 26, 2011.
Egyptian demonstrators demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak and calling for reforms shout slogans in Cairo on January 26, 2011. Placard in Arabic reads: 'Mr President Leave'.
Egyptian demonstrators perform the Friday noon prayer in front of riot police during a demonstration in Cairo on January 28, 2011, demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak.
Egyptian demonstrators perform the Friday noon prayer in front of riot police during a demonstration in Cairo on January 28, 2011, demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak.
Egyptian demonstrators confront riot police during a demonstration in Cairo on January 28, 2011, demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak.
Egyptian anti-riot policemen fire tear gase at protesters in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Jan. 28, 2011. The Egyptian capital Cairo was the scene of violent chaos Friday, when tens of thousands of anti-government protesters stoned and confronted police, who fired back with rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons. It was a major escalation in what was already the biggest challenge to authoritarian President Hosni Mubarak's 30 year-rule. At center is a statue of famous Egyptian singer Oum Kalthoum.

Egyptian anti-riot policemen fire tear gase at protesters in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Jan. 28, 2011. The Egyptian capital Cairo was the scene of violent chaos Friday, when tens of thousands of anti-government protesters stoned and confronted police, who fired back with rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons. It was a major escalation in what was already the biggest challenge to authoritarian President Hosni Mubarak’s 30 year-rule. At center is a statue of famous Egyptian singer Oum Kalthoum.
Egyptian demonstrators confront riot police during a demonstration in Cairo on January 28, 2011, demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak.
Egyptian demonstrators confront riot police during a demonstration in Cairo on January 28, 2011, demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak.
Egyptian anti-riot police clash with antigovernment protesters in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Jan. 28, 2011. Egypt's capital was the scene of violent chaos Friday as tens of thousands of anti-government protesters stoned and confronted police, who fired back with rubber bullets and tear gas - a major escalation in the biggest challenge to President Hosni Mubarak's 30-year rule.
CAIRO, EGYPT - JANUARY 28:  Locals pray in the street in front of The l-Istiqama Mosque watched by riot police in Giza on January 28, 2011 in Cairo, Egypt. Thousands of police are on the streets of the capital and hundreds of arrests have been made in an attempt to quell anti-government demonstrations.
CAIRO, EGYPT – JANUARY 28: Locals pray in the street in front of The l-Istiqama Mosque watched by riot police in Giza on January 28, 2011 in Cairo, Egypt. Thousands of police are on the streets of the capital and hundreds of arrests have been made in an attempt to quell anti-government demonstrations.
CAIRO, EGYPT - JANUARY 28:  Locals pray in the street in front of The l-Istiqama Mosque watched by riot police in Giza on January 28, 2011 in Cairo, Egypt. Thousands of police are on the streets of the capital and hundreds of arrests have been made in an attempt to quell anti-government demonstrations.
CAIRO, EGYPT - JANUARY 28:  Riot police force protestors back across the Kasr Al Nile Bridge as they attempt to get into Tahrir Square on January 28, 2011 in downtown Cairo, Egypt. Thousands of police are on the streets of the capital and hundreds of arrests have been made in an attempt to quell anti-government demonstrations.
CAIRO, EGYPT – JANUARY 28: Riot police force protestors back across the Kasr Al Nile Bridge as they attempt to get into Tahrir Square on January 28, 2011 in downtown Cairo, Egypt. Thousands of police are on the streets of the capital and hundreds of arrests have been made in an attempt to quell anti-government demonstrations.
CAIRO, EGYPT - JANUARY 28:  Riot police force protestors back across the Kasr Al Nile Bridge as they attempt to get into Tahrir Square on January 28, 2011 in downtown Cairo, Egypt. Thousands of police are on the streets of the capital and hundreds of arrests have been made in an attempt to quell anti-government demonstrations.
CAIRO, EGYPT - JANUARY 28:  Riot police fire water cannons at protestors attempting to cross the Kasr Al Nile Bridge on January 28, 2011 in downtown  Cairo, Egypt. Thousands of police are on the streets of the capital and hundreds of arrests have been made in an attempt to quell anti-government demonstrations.
Egyptian demonstrators confront riot police during demonstrations in Cairo on January 28, 2011, demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak.
Egyptian demonstrators confront riot police during demonstrations in Cairo on January 28, 2011, demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak.
Egyptian demonstrators confront riot police during demonstrations in Cairo on January 28, 2011, demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak.
Egyptian demonstrators clash with Egyptian police in central Cairo during a protest to demand the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak and calling for reforms on January 25, 2011. Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Cairo, facing a massive police presence, to demand the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak in a protest inspired by Tunisia's popular uprising.
CAIRO, EGYPT - JANUARY 28:  Riot police face protestors on the Kasr Al Nile Bridge on January 28, 2011 in downtown Cairo, Egypt. Thousands of police are on the streets of the capital and hundreds of arrests have been made in an attempt to quell anti-government demonstrations.
CAIRO, EGYPT – JANUARY 28: Riot police face protestors on the Kasr Al Nile Bridge on January 28, 2011 in downtown Cairo, Egypt. Thousands of police are on the streets of the capital and hundreds of arrests have been made in an attempt to quell anti-government demonstrations.
Egyptian demonstrators pray in central Cairo during a protest to demand the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak and calling for reforms on January 25, 2011. Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Cairo, facing a massive police presence, to demand the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak in a protest inspired by Tunisia's popular uprising.
Egyptian demonstrators pray in central Cairo during a protest to demand the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak and calling for reforms on January 28, 2011. Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Cairo, facing a massive police presence, to demand the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak in a protest inspired by Tunisia’s popular uprising.

Demonstrasi bantahan terhadap pemerintahan Mubarak

Puluhan Ribu Rakyat Mesir Keluar Ke Jalan Raya Desak Hosni Mubarak Berambus

CAIRO (Reuters) – Police and demonstrators fought running battles on the streets of Cairo on Friday in a fourth day of unprecedented protests by tens of thousands of Egyptians demanding an end to President Hosni Mubarak’s three-decade rule.
Security forces fired rubber bullets, teargas and water cannon at protesters who hurled stones back at them and shouted “Down, Down, Hosni Mubarak,” witnesses said.
Anti-government activists had promised a “Day of Wrath” after Friday prayers in the country’s mosques and urged thousands of people to join in the demonstrations.
Police blanketed Cairo and blocked social networking communications in an effort to stifle the protests but the violence broke out soon after prayers finished.
The protesters, many of them young Egyptians embittered by unemployment, poverty, corruption and the lack of freedom under Mubarak, appear to be loosely organized with no figurehead.
Prominent activist Mohamed ElBaradei, a Nobel Peace Laureate who has called for an end to Mubarak’s rule, arrived in Egypt on Thursday. But after he joined prayers at a mosque in the Giza area, police blocked him from leaving the area.
The unrest is unprecedented in Mubarak’s rule in Egypt, where security services keep a tight grip on dissent. It was triggered by the overthrow two weeks ago of Tunisian President Zine al-Abidine Ben Al Ben Ali in a popular revolt which also inspired anti-government protests in Yemen and Algeria.
The events pose a quandary for the United States, which has professed its wish for democracy to spread across the Middle East. Mubarak, however, has been a close Washington ally for many years and the recipient of huge amounts of military aid.
In response to the protests, U.S. President Barack Obama said social and political reforms in Egypt were “absolutely critical.”
“Inflation has exhausted people. Prices of food, fuel, electricity, sugar are rising. The rich get richer and the poor poorer,” said a Cairo taxi-driver, declining to be named. “God knows what will happen today. After Tunisia anything is possible.”
Some protesters threw shoes at and stamped on posters of the president. But as the clashes intensified, police waded into the crowd with batons and fired volleys of teargas.
“Leave, leave, Mubarak, Mubarak, the plane awaits you,” people chanted.Reuters
Turkish Muslims carry portraits of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on January 28, 2011 during a protest against his regime at Fatih Mosque in Istanbul.
“Leave, leave, Mubarak, Mubarak, the plane awaits you,”